Uniform Shop
St Joe’s uniforms to be purchased online.
Go to aplusschoolwear.com.au
Click on Shop and then select your school.
If you have any queries please contact Julie Wickham on 0422 456 764
The uniform display board is near the office. Second hand uniforms are also available at the office for a gold coin donation.
Some Second Hand Uniforms are available from PFA.
School uniform is compulsory for all students. If students are out of uniform, a note needs to be sent to the class teachers advising them of the reason.
Navy blue
Navy and Sky blue polo top with school logo
Navy blue school pants, school shorts or skort, or school check dress
White or Navy socks
Black school shoes
Navy blue polar fleece beanie with school logo (optional)
Navy and Sky blue polo top with school logo or long sleeved polo
Navy blue windcheater with school logo
Navy blue school pants, pinafore or winter skirt
White or navy socks
Black school shoes
Year 6 Jacket to be worn by Year 6 students in place of windcheater or jumper.
(* Year 6 students have the opportunity of wearing a Year 6 Jacket to promote pride, leadership
Navy tracksuit pants or navy knit shorts
Navy & sky blue sport polo
Runners only
White or navy socks
There is an optional St Joseph’s school bag. Students require a fabric library bag to protect the school’s library books. Plastic bags are not acceptable. Students also require a suitable art smock.

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